The article I found on the rider´s digest was interesting because show how a powerful country are I process of changing. The social reality in the United States is not the same that many years ago. The opinion of people in the poll is symptomatic of that. Even thought, they are no convinced about the American dream, for many people that look more as a nightmare because of the conflicts in this country. In my case, I always have been a stereotype of the Americans, I didn’t look them like human been, that perception could be a result of a belize country, that only searches the power in any form: economically, military, and so on. Perhaps, the actual economic critical situation of this country in combination with the recently choose president –a black one- Obama apparently are changing the situation. In my own way to see the reality that looks like the born of a new country more human and sensitive –might be sounds very idealistic- to the others. Also, I actually want to stress the importance of the different opinions of people of each country who participate in the poll, because each one has a perception depending of his context. For example people in Latino America are worried about poverty and people in middle orient think that is important avoid the terrorism. Because of this point, we can make a global analysis and we have an integral view of the subject.